3rd Floor, Furness House,
90 Independence Square,
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
17 February 2022 | Download PDF Version |
Covid-19 and Credit Ratings – What can we expect?
By Wayne Dass, CFA
Chief Executive Officer
Caribbean Information & Credit Rating Services Limited (CariCRIS)
The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (Covid-19) has led to the unfortunate death to date of approximately 5.8 million persons worldwide over the past two years, as reported by the World Health Organization. The pandemic also dealt a heavy blow to markets and economies across the globe, leading to an estimated shrinkage in the world economy of the order of 3.3% in 2020 (IMF). Regionally, Caribbean economies contracted by roughly 13% on average in 2020. 2021 proved to be a year of overall economic recovery, with global growth recorded at 5.9% by the IMF.
Credit markets remained fairly resilient though through the period, no doubt buoyed by the extraordinary fiscal and monetary support provided by Governments and Central Banks. While there were several rating downgrades in the region, there were only two outright defaults – that of Suriname and Belize – leading to debt restructurings. In CariCRIS’ portfolio of public ratings, 33% of the 60 rated entities were downgraded over the past 2 years of the pandemic (2020 & 2021). This suggests that a substantial portion of the portfolio (67%) comprised entities that were resilient enough to maintain their ratings at the same level, notwithstanding the severe negative economic and business impact of the pandemic. Interestingly, 3 entities were assigned positive outlooks over the period and 5 were actually upgraded.
The entities that were either upgraded or received positive outlooks during the pandemic were all players in the financial services industry, and some key common characteristics of these entities are:
The entities that were downgraded, which included a few sovereigns, would have been on a downward economic and financial trend pre-COVID-19, and the impact of the pandemic made things worse, putting them in a space where their credit metrics no longer supported their current ratings level. Included in here are entities with a high exposure to the tourism sector, which was hard hit, entities with a high exposure to mortgages (both personal and commercial), port facilities and a few manufacturing entities.
While there is still considerable uncertainty around the path of the pandemic, overall the outlook for credit ratings in the year ahead, both globally and regionally, is positive. One can reasonably expect to see more rating upgrades and less downgrades happening in 2022 and 2023 compared to 2020 and 2021, ceteris paribus. Indeed the 5 upgrades mentioned earlier all happened in the 2nd half of 2021, signaling the beginning of a general improvement in credit conditions as we ended 2021.
Some of the contributing factors behind this positive outlook are:
There are risks to this outlook though, which could derail growth projections and negatively impact credit conditions, including:
To a large extent, CariCRIS in its ratings monitoring exercises would be examining how Caribbean Governments unwind the high levels of fiscal and monetary support extended over the past two years during the pandemic, including strategies deployed to reduce their fiscal deficits in the coming two years, thereby putting their Debt to GDP ratios back on a more sustainable path. The usual structural challenges of regional economies will re-emerge, including the need to stimulate diversified export-oriented growth, and building and maintaining adequate international reserves.
From a credit rating criteria perspective, we will be placing more emphasis on climate change impacts, management of the energy transition matrix by countries, and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations in our rating deliberations.
Wayne Dass, CFA
17 February 2022