About CariCRIS

Our credit ratings represent an objective assessment of the rated entity’s creditworthiness relative to other rated entities in the region and reflect our intimate understanding of the risks that are unique to the Caribbean. Our Board, Rating Committee and Management team consists of highly respected professionals from across the Caribbean and underpin our regional way of thinking. A CariCRIS regional scale rating compares an entity’s creditworthiness to all debt-issuers in a defined Caribbean region. We also offer a national scale credit rating where the comparison set is all debt-issuing entities in the financial markets of a single nation.
Our ratings aim to provide a regionally relevant risk assessment of entities and the debt that they issue within a wider context of an analysis of economic trends and financial developments. This will significantly improve investors’ access to information and their ability to compare sovereign and corporate credits. For borrowers, our ratings will enhance credibility and expand access to funding sources.
Our Mission
To contribute to the development of a vibrant, integrated Caribbean capital market by setting the highest standards of credible independent analysis and opinion to enable informed financial decisions.